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Jax Sunbeds


Replacement tubes for sunbeds and collagen therapy units

why choose jax sunbeds for your replacement bulbs?

We provide our commercial and domestic customers with a wide range of tan accelerators

  • Competetive Prices
  • Quick Delivery
  • 20 Years Experience
  • More effective Tanning

Call us today for more details


Although tanning bulbs are maintenance free, there may be a time when you need to replace one or more of them in your sunbed. With competitive prices and quick delivery, Jax Sunbeds should be your first port of call should the need arise.

Having worked in the sunbed and tanning industry for over 20 years, we have the necessary knowledge and expertise when it comes to replacing tanning bulbs and tubes.

When one bulb stops working, it is far better to replace them all. If you only replace the one that has worn out, you are likely to end up with a stripe of sunburn on your body while the rest remains tanned. Uneven tanning can also be the result of just replacing one bulb.

Although replacing every bulb when only one is defective seems a waste of money, it is actually the opposite. If you have new tanning tubes installed you will need to tan less as they are strongest when new. This cost effectiveness, combined with our competitive prices, means that customers get the very best value when they purchase replacement tanning tubes from Jax Sunbeds.

Your older and weaker tubes can still be used!

Our commercial clients have also found that older tanning tubes that have been replaced can still be effective. Customers with sensitive skin find that less harsh tanning tubes can still help their skin and provide them with ultraviolet benefits other than tanning. So do not throw them out just yet; use them as a cost effective way of treating your customers with skin complaints and sensitive skin.

Other accessories

We also stock a range of sunbed accessories such as accelorators, creams and goggles.